A 45 year old male with hypokalemia

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

 A 45 year old male resident of cherlapally farmer by occupation came with complaints of pain in the right upper limb near the (shoulder)since 10 days


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 yrs back.

Then his appetite increased for which he came to our  hospital and diagnosed with Diabetes.

He used oral hypoglycemic agents for the first six months and from past one and half year he is on insulin

History of increased urine output since 2 years

History of weight loss(25 kgs) since 2 yrs

In August 2022  he developed slurring of speech for which he was admitted in our hospital and diagnosed as Urosepsis 

Again in October  she had shortness of breath for which he came to our hospital and 4 sessions of dialysis was done 

Now since 10 days he had pain in the right upper limb and swelling in upper limb since 1 day

On 23 /11/2022 he came to our hospital with complaints of pain in the right upper limb since 10 days and swellingand discharge(serous) in upper limb since 1 day 

No h/o fever vomiting loose stools 

There is h/o difficult in getting up and his sleep is disturbed since 10 days

He was admitted in General surgery and diagnosed with gas gangrene for which Incision and drainage was done under local anaesthesia.

Now he is referred our department as the patient have metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia


Wake up in the morning by 4am then he will have milk by 5am and then he eat food (rice)by8am and then he goes for cattle rearing come back by 3pm then he takes some food rest and then he takes food at 6pm and goes to sleep by 7pm

His daily routine  disturb after he developed the illness


No similar complaints in the past 

No history of hypertension Asthma Tuberculosis

Personal history


Appetite: increased

Sleep: disturbed

Bowel (loose stools)and bladder(irregular)

Addictions: Alcohol since 25 yrs (180ml/day)

FAMILY HISTORY:No significant family history

DRUG HISTORY:No history of allergy to any drugs 


Patient was conscious coherent and cooperative

Poorly  built and nourished  

Pallor present

No Icterus

No cyanosis

No clubbing

No generalized lymphadenopathy

Bilateral pedal edema present


Temp Afebrile 

PR70  bpm

BP 130/70 mm Hg 

RR 16 cpm

GRBS 102mg/dl on 30/11/2022



Respiratory System


Symmetrical chest seen

No scars and sinuses 

Trachea is Central in position


Inspectory findings are confirmed 

Expansion of chest is equal in all planes 


Resonant note present over all lung areas


Normal vesicular Breath sounds heard. 



Abdomen is flat

No Abdominal distension 

No scars, sinuses, mass visible 

No engorged veins are seen

Umbilicus is central and inverted 

No visible pulsations

Movements are equal over 9 regions during respiration


All inspectory findings are confirmed 

No local rise of temperature

 No Tenderness

No hepatomegaly and No spleenomegaly 




: Normal bowel sounds heard

No bruit heard


Inspection : Bilaterally symmetrical chest present 

No scars, sinuses


Inspectory findings are confirmed

Apex beat normal

On Auscultation : 

S1 S2 heard

No murmurs or additional heart sounds


No focal neurological defecits  


On 23/11/2022 

On 1/12/2022



Right upper limb gas gangrene (post op) with hypokalemia 


On 1/12/2022

I.MVT 500 ml OD IV

I.meropenem IV BD 

I.Clindamycin IV TID 

I.Astymin IV BD 

Tab Pantop 40 mg peroral OD 

T.Nodosis500 PO OD 

.T.Chymoral peroral OD 

T.Dolo 650 PO OD 

Syrup.Potklor PO OD 

Protein Powder in 1 glass of water

T.Orofer PO OD 

T.Vit c PO OD


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