
Showing posts from February, 2022

A 27 year old male came with complaints of

 A 27 year old male Lingaswamy car driver by came with complaints of abdominal pain,fever vomitings and loose stools since 1 week  HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back. Then he developed abdominal pain which was sudden in onset and continuous.Pain was sqeezing type He also developed fever which was low grade intermittent and not associated with chills and rigor There is also history of nausea vomiting . There were 12 episodes per day. It was non projectile and non blood tinged.whatever he eats came out in the form of vomitings. Loose stools 5 episodes per day .No blood in stools . PAST HISTORY No similar complaints in the past No history of DM, HTN ,TB Asthma , Epilepsy,CKD  No history of trauma No history of any surgeries  No treatment history PERSONAL HISTORY Diet: mixed Appetite: normal Bowel and bladder: irregular Sleep : inadequate Addictions: occasionally drinks toddy  GENERAL EXAMINATION Patient was conscious coherent and cooperative Moderately built and nouris

A 65 old female came with chief complaints of decreased appetite since 10 days

  A 65 year old female came with chief complaints of decreased appetite,fever , generalised weakness and irregular bowel and bladder since 10 days. HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 yrs back. Then she was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and hypertension when she went to the hospital for the general check up. She is on medication for HTN and stopped using medication for DM since year because of the low sugar levels Then 1 year ago she developed swelling of legs for which she  went to the hospital and she was told the kidney is shrunken and she has infection in the kidney.she used mediation for this problem. Now since 10 days her appetite was decreased and she also had fever which was high grade and more during the night time and associated with chills and rigor. She also had history of vomiting since 10 days like 1 episode per day  Bowel and bladder was irregular but since 2 days it became regular because she took a tablet. Her daughter  complained of weight loss also Patient

A 45 year old female patient came with chief complaints of fever and vomitings since 10 days

 A 45 year old female patient Homemaker by occupation came with chief complaints of fever and vomitings, decreased urinary output since 10 days  HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 yr back. Then she developed vomiting, pedal edema and decrease urine output since 1 week .They went to the hospital and was diagnosed with kidney disease and she had 2 dialysis sessions . Now again after 1yr from 10 days she developed vomiting and fever and decreased urinary output. Vomiting was non projectile and non blood tinged .Fever was associated with chills and rigor and increased during night time. Patients daily routine Patient is a homemaker and daily gets up in the morning and does house hold work.Before 4 yrs she worked as a agricultural labourer   past history No history of DM,HTN, thyroid disorders, Tuberculosis,Asthma  Family history No significant family history  Personal history Diet:mixed  Appetite: Decreased Bowel and bladder : Regular Addictions:No addictions  General examination

23 yr old male came with complaints of fever

 A 23 year old male patient who is driver by occupation came with chief complaints of fever since 15 days. HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs back. Then he developed fever and went to the hospital and there he was done blood investigation and his hb level was 4g%for which he was given red blood cell transfusion.Then again after 3 yrs ,i.e since 15 days developed fever which was high grade. He also had yellowish discoloration of eyes.The fever was associated with chills and rigor was intermittent and subsided with medication.There is also history of stomach pain and blood in stools. Past history There was similar complaint in the past which was 3 years ago and he was diagnosed with anemia and got treated. No history of HTN ,DM ,Asthma, epilepsy ,CKD. Treatment history: blood transfusion for Anemia Family history No significant family history Personal history Diet:veg. Appetite: decreased Sleep: adequate Bowel and bladder: regular (1 episode of blood in stools) Addictions: o